Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Why I LOVE Being Single


Yup, this is the main reason I love being single. My married friend's lives are so chained by other people's schedules. They have to coordinate their time, who is using what vehicle, and what they can spend or not spend before they make any kind of plans. If they have kids, its worse. Then they have feeding times, diaper changing, babysitters, school, school plays, games, recitals, practices, and whatever else they schedule in. 

Me, I just go. 

If I want to go to the store, I don't have to schedule it for when my husband doesn't have the car or make sure he didn't spend the grocery money. I don't have to load one or more kids in a vehicle before going anywhere. I just go. 
If I want to have dinner with a friend, I just call them up and see if they are free. Married people can't do that without coordinating. 

If I want to take a weekend trip, I just go. 
If I want to take a vacation, I just go. 
If I want to buy something, I just buy it.
If I want to do ANYTHING, I just do it. 

When you are married and/or have kids, all this freedom goes away like a dandelion seed that's been blown on. I see a picket fence as a cage and a trap, no matter how pleasant, is still a trap. 

I love this freedom, this feeling of being unhampered and chained by the needs, expectations, and demands of another. It makes me feel like I am flying, free and independent, like nothing can touch me. 

Get married? It doesn't really sound that much better than what I am loving now. I am not opposed to getting married. I just really love doing what I want and not being hindered. I love my freedom. 

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