Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Other People's Views

First post, here we go.

First off, I don't hate men. I go to a conservative church where people all around me believe it is their life's goal to get married and have kids. If you do this, you have arrived and are counted as a "success". Since I do not share those views, I am called a "man hater". Not that I am against getting married myself; the right guy, if he exists, just hasn't come along. I also happen to LOVE being single, but more about that later.

Some Many of these people think it is everyone's goal to get married, and, if for some reason, you don't wish to or if it is not a big deal to you if you don't, they think you are:
A: Weird
B: Homosexual (Imagine having this reputation in a conservative church!)
C: Lying when you say you are fine without marriage
D: Interpreting the Bible incorrectly and/or out of God's will for my life. (Because it must be God's will for everyone to be married.)
E: Still "waiting" on the right one.

Well, I am a bit weird, so no argument there. ;) But to refute the rest:
1) I am very attracted to guys. I was born that way. lol
2) Not a liar.
3) There is no where in the Bible where we are commanded to marry just to be married. It is not a sin to not be married; to be single; or to not bear children.
4) I stopped waiting and I started living. I don't need a guy to have fun or travel or be myself.

Sometimes these people (the ones who think it is everyone's life goal to be married) act patronizing toward the single people. There is the attitude, "I'm married (sometimes "and I have a kid"), so therefore, I know so much more than you as a single person; am on a pedestal above you because you are single, and am better than you in rank, status, and value.

I ignore those people and just live my life, happy in my freedom and singleness.

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