Thursday, May 30, 2013

When Men use their Superpowers for Evil

Subtitle: What I Don't Like About Men (Can also apply to women)

I don't really know how to write this piece because it involves sad and hard parts of life.

1) Superpower 1: Strength
When men use their strength to dominate, control, and hurt people, especially those that are dependent on them. Honestly, I hate these type of men. When a woman or child needs protection from the one that is supposed to protect them, it makes me grieved and indignant and angry all at the same time. It causes confusion and distorts God's plan and picture.

2) Manipulative
I hate manipulation in any form: using people, scheming, manipulating, playing with people's emotions and hearts, guilt trips, and anything else that has a form of benefit to the other person but has a hidden agenda, motive, or purpose. Deceit and manipulation are married. You can't have one without the other.

3) Deceit/Lies/Dishonesty
How can a healthy relationship be without trust and how can trust be in a relationship where deceit is present, whether it is the foundation or woven throughout? When people lie, it causes confusion, disappointment, and a separation in the bond.

4) "It's all about ME."
Whether it is intentional or not, the expectation that a girl, or girls, are supposed to utterly worship them and make their whole lives around a guy's needs, wants, and desires is utterly repulsive. Ugh, this causes me to be nauseous and disgusted.

5) Always has to be right/win/etc
This kind of selfishness is dumb, foolish, stupid - whatever you want to call it. Who is right all the time? Who is foolish enough to get into arguments and then have to win? If one person wins or is right, it means the other one has to lose or be wrong. This behavior puts the other one down and pushes them away in order to build the "winner" up.

6) Bully
This is the person that uses whatever they have, strength, position, lies, scorn, etc to intimidate another and put them down. I don't know why someone would do this, but it is disgusting. To put someone down is juvenile. Hello, playground?

I know not all guys have these. There are some great guys out there. These are just the characteristics that I don't like. I don't like them in women either. Bleagh :(

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